Rachel surrounded by her friends
How Can I Help Rachel?
*Forward this website's link to everybody you know...on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networks
*Pass this on via email to all of your contacts. You never know who might be willing to help or who might be a match and that would ultimately, save Rachel's life
*Print out the attached flyers (below) and get them out into the public. Hand out at public events (with permission), ask your church if you they can include these in their weekly bulletin, hang up at grocery stores and other public places.
*Contact media to let them know of Rachel's need for a kidney and her story, and direct them to this site. The more people we make aware, the better chances we have of finding a match for Rachel
*Contact 1-317-944-4370 if you are interested in becoming a live kidney donor fo Rachel. Ask for Sheryl Ping.
*Contact Rachel's Mom via the Contact Us tab with any questions or for press coverage

The positive action you take today... can be the difference in saving Rachel's life
Click above to download flyer. This flyer is perfect for placing in public places like grocery stores/markets and other public places that have a wall set up for public notices.
"Footprints in the Sand" by Leona Lewis
Click above to download this full flyer which can be hung up in public places, handed out to the public and to friends and family, etc. You may also consider contacting local churches as well as your own house of worship to see if they will include the flyer in their church bulletin and/or mailings.