Donor Info
The number for further information and to get tested is 1-317-944-4370
Ask for Sheryl Ping and she will take it from there.

Do I Qualify?
What are the qualifications for living donors?
In order to qualify as a living donor, an individual must be physically fit, in good general health, and free from high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease and heart disease. Individuals considered for living donation are usually between 18-60 years of age. Gender and race are not factors in determining a successful match. The living donor must first undergo a blood test to determine blood type compatibility with the recipient. If the donor and recipient have compatible blood types, the donor undergoes a medical history review and a complete physical examination.
Kidney donors must have a compatible blood type with the recipient. In living donation, the following blood types are compatible:
•Donors with blood type A... can donate to recipients with blood types A and AB
•Donors with blood type B... can donate to recipients with blood types B and AB
•Donors with blood type AB... can donate to recipients with blood type AB only
•Donors with blood type O... can donate to recipients with blood types A, B, AB and O (O is the universal donor: donors with O blood are compatible with any other blood type)
What this means:
•Recipients with blood type O... can receive a kidney from blood type O only
•Recipients with blood type A... can receive a kidney from blood types A and O
•Recipients with blood type B... can receive a kidney from blood types B and O
•Recipients with blood type AB... can receive a kidney from blood types A, B, AB and O (AB is the universal recipient: recipients with AB blood are compatible with any other blood type)

How else can I help?
*Forward this web link to everybody you know...on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networks
*Pass this on via email to all of your contacts. You never know who might be willing to help or who might be a match
*Contact media to let them know of Rachel's need for a kidney and her story and direct them to this site.
*Contact the above number and ask for Sheryl Ping if you are interested in becoming a live kidney donor for Rachel
*Contact Rachel's Mom via the Contact Us tab with any questions or for press coverage